Employee leasing

Do you have additional staff requirements? With the HAM-LOG-GRUPPE, you can react quickly to one of the biggest challenges for companies. Whether it’s seasonal fluctuations, order peaks, parental leave or holiday periods that are the cause of your staff shortages.

We can support you with experienced staff at short notice and reliably in the event of bottlenecks. By integrating our logistics personnel services, you get to gain additional resources for your core business. If required, we will evaluate with you how the labour potential of the HAM-LOG-GRUPPE can be optimally deployed at your plant location and whether a contract-for-work project solution would be more profitable for your company in the long term.

We are your team

Temporary work can allow you to achieve your goal: we can cover your staffing needs and react efficiently to bottlenecks. Temporary staffing keeps you flexible.

through temporary work

Fast response times, smooth coordination and optimised workflows: we ensure that the right staff are on-site at the right time.

Do you still have questions: +49 40 444 055 60

Our innovative solutions are the right answers to your individual requirements.